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Office Hours Sneaks

The newest kit from Studio Calico; Office Hours will be available in a few short days, but I wanted to share some sneak peaks of some cards that I've made with the kits. I was so inspired by the patterned paper, the embellishments and the stamps that I made a ton of fun cards with both the main kit and the add on. Here's just a few of them to get you as excited about this month's release as I am!
This card features paper and embellishments from the add on kit, Water Cooler. Look at the cute wood grain paper with little plus signs--I feel a trend coming on!

This card features stamps and wood veneers from the main card kit, PLUS the all new inks from the Color Theory line that are IN STOCK at the store.

Here's a final fun sneak peak using trims, paper and embellishments from the add on kit. I love the delicious colors and patterns in the add on!

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look. Don't forget to the big reveal of all the kits goes live at midnight on the 27th of this month! Kit's will be available for subscribers at noon, and for the general public at midnight!

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